Idaho State Police




Dear Potential Supporter:

You may be visiting this web page because you recently received a fundraising telephone call made on behalf of the Idaho State Police Association (ISPA).

You also may have made a pledge and received your pledge kit by mail. A fundraising drive is currently being conducted, on our behalf, to help support our programs and services. You should have received, by mail or fax, a donation letter similar to one of the ones below.


Fundraising Letter FrontFundraising Letter Back


If you receive a form in the mail that does not appear like one of the ones above please let me know immediately.

If there was a problem with the experience or you feel some additional action can be taken, please contact me for immediate assistance. Please be sure to include your name, address, the telephone number at which you were called, date and approximate time of call.


Again, thank you for your support.


Sincerely yours,


Peter Sibus
Chairman, ISPA

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